OPT was founded back in 1919, just a few years after World War I, when the Italian State set up a small orthopedic workshop in every region for manufacturing prostheses. Mario Cristofolini, OPT’s founder, was the first manager of the Trento workshop who then went on to become its owner when the State opted for privatization.

Making the most out of the experience he had acquired, Mario Cristofolini made the surgical and medical needs of the time his priority. Between 1930 – 1932 taking advantage of the creative skills of his collaborators, Mr. Cristofolini began to design and produce his first orthopedic operating tables.

OPT PRODUCTS: tomorrow’s future here today

The company’s history, made up of people, ideas, courage, dedication and passion for future challenges has always been the driving force behind our desire to reach TECHNOLOGICAL SUPREMACY: being number one in terms of quality, performance and design is not simply a mission, but a day-to-day reality, realized through a whole series of highly innovative products.

  • OPT SurgiSystems, as usual, participated in the National AIIC Conference held in Rome at the Convention Centre La Nuvola from Ma...

  • On December 5, Arcadis Medical Group, OPT SurgiSystems  and MVS Medical Visual System signed an agreement on compatibility of th...

  • From 29th January our team presented cutting-edge solutions, forged valuable connections with existing clients, and cultivated n...

  • OPT SurgiSystems is once again taking part in MEDICA - The Leading International Trade Fair in Düsseldorf....

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